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Invite Susan
Photo of Susan A. Massey, Revivalist speaking.
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Upcoming Events
Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference
Susan A. Massey, Revivalist will be attending BRMCWC. If you want to talk to Susan at the conference, click Invite Susan to arrange a meeting.
May 26, 2024 at 8:00:00 PM
Ridgecrest Conference Center
Start/End Date
May 30, 2024 at 4:00:00 PM
1 Ridgecrest Dr, Black Mountain, NC, USA
More Events Coming Soon
Check back later to see where Susan is speaking next. To invite Susan to speak at your event, click the Invite Susan button above.
June 1, 2024 at 4:00:00 PM
Start/End Date
Speaker Topics
Speaker Topics

What God Wants

(One session, 45 minutes)


God desires a simple love relationship with his creation. He wants our awe of his magnificence, our respect for his sovereignty, our worship of his worthiness, and our submission to his holiness. Susan can help your group recapture a right relationship with God through this Bible-based revival sermon.

Key Steps to Real Revival

Three sessions, ideal for a Friday night, Saturday night, and Sunday morning revival series.


  • Meet the consuming Fire: Our God is a consuming fire who calls every person to a personal relationship with him through a surrendered life of holiness. Learn how our sin separates us from God, how he restores us to relationship through the sacrifice of Jesus, and how to develop intimacy with him.

  • Meet the refining Fire: Understand how Jesus frees us from the power of sin through repentance. Recognize how our American cultural emphases on independence, identity, and entitlement block our spiritual growth. Learn how Holy Spirit transforms us from our old sin nature to a new nature in Christ.

  • Meet the empowering Fire: We are saved by grace through faith, then filled with the fire of Holy Spirit to live a new resurrected life. Learn what it means to rest in the work of Jesus on our behalf, while walking in the power of Holy Spirit to bear fruit that glorifies God. Susan will lead your group to a deeper commitment that will result in personal inner revival.


How to Pray Effectively for Revival

Five sessions, ideal for a Friday night, Saturday night, and Sunday morning revival series, along with two additional workshop sessions Saturday morning and afternoon. Can be adjusted for an entire week of evening sessions for a week-long retreat or revival. Susan will lead your group through a scriptural study of Biblical prayer.


  • What real revival looks like (1-hour session): Know the heart of God for his people and the lost. Understand what he wants to accomplish in us and through us to know how to pray for his will in revival.

  • Praying biblical prayers (2-hour session): Examine some examples of prayer by giants of faith in the Bible to discover the heart attitude God responds to.

  • Praying dangerous prayers (2-hour session): Getting serious with God. Recognize prayers of commitment and what an effective, fervent prayer looks like. Move deeper into intercession.

  • Contemporary styles of prayer (1-hour session): How the way we pray reveals our heart attitude and exposes theological error. Examine whether styles of prayer in contemporary Christian culture are supported in the Bible.

  • Using the pattern of the model prayer (1-hour session): How Jesus taught us to pray, and why it is important. What this says about the nature of our relationship with God.

Spiritual Warfare

Five sessions, ideal for a Friday night, Saturday night, and Sunday morning revival series, along with two additional workshop sessions Saturday morning and afternoon. Can be adjusted for an entire week of evening sessions for a week-long retreat or revival. Susan will lead your group through a scriptural study of Biblical spiritual warfare.


  • The schemes of Satan (1-hour session): Are demons real? The devil desires to devour Christians. How he snares us, and how to stand against him.

  • The real purpose of the armor of God (2-hour session): The weapons of our warfare are defensive. How they protect us from demonic influence in practical ways.

  • How to deal with deception (2-hour session): The devil is a liar. How to recognize deception and avoid getting caught up in it.

  • Recognizing Satan’s work (1-hour session): Not every problem is demonically based. How to recognize when deliverance may be necessary. Deliverance versus repentance. Deliverance versus inner healing. What it means to cast out demons.

  • The power of the name of Jesus (1-hour session): Jesus gave his disciples authority to cast out demons in his name. What the name of Jesus represents and how to apply its power.

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